sábado, 16 de febrero de 2013


Nos llegan estas fotos desde Londres de nuestros alumnos/as de Amor de Dios-Regina Pacis, que hoy han estado visitando Londres en su último día de estancia en las Islas Británicas. Y atentos al último deseo de los viajantes, "no quieren volver a casa..."
Finally in London!!!! Houses of Parliament and Big Ben are just behind us. What a beautiful scene.....

Second stop, Westminster Abbey. Where almost all the royal wedding were held. It is also the place where all the kings and queens of England have been crowned.
Meeting point for lunch. What a shame we couldn't join her Royal Majesty...... Maybe next time.
We're now in Trafalgar Square, you can see The British Museum behind.
Apart from this, we've been to Candem town, Covent Garden and The London Eye. We've also seen The Tower of London, The London Bridge and many other worthy places.
We do not want to go back!!!!!!!!!! This country is amazing it deserves to be visited at least once in a lifetime.